Stop. Relax. Restart.

2 min readJul 18, 2020

The process of doing a task is never a smooth one
​and it can get frustrating and can become a mental burden.

Have you ever designed a promotional material or any other material for your blog and got stressed because it wasn’t the ‘best’. Or you just cannot think of any new ideas for your design? Before you reach the ‘best’ phase, you need to think about yourself first. Give yourself breaks. Don’t design for a long time. It can get overwhelming. It is best to have regular ‘design’ breaks to ensure your mind doesn’t stick to ‘working’ and pushing your mind to accomplish a goal. Your mind needs a rest. If the mind doesn’t get rest, it can go wild!

Go for a walk. Talk to your parents. Have a cup of tea, without accompanying your phone. Isolate yourself from work for a few minutes. Relax. Take a rest. When you feel like you can start working again, do so. And that will make a difference because once you get rest, your mind will feel more serene. Taking a break allows you to develop a ‘fresh’ set of eyes for your design. You will be able to develop new ideas and think more clearly once you get a break. Remember, put yourself first before any task. You need to be emotionally well to do any task.




Founder & Lead Designer of Needle Forward (Pvt) Limited