Learn from the RIGHT people.

2 min readJul 20, 2019

Let me tell you something. Whenever there is a break, especially a school/university break — it was never utilized properly. Just a repetition of sleeping immoderately, watching TV, going on the computer, idling around — nothing meaningful. Nothing productive. Nothing helping me to get closer to success. It also reflected my level of knowledge back then.

A few months ago, after watching a live webinar by Sam Ovens — a millionaire businessman — I can tell you that I changed a fair bit (even my brother noticed). Not in appearance but the choices I make in my everyday life. For example, before I would watch hours of useless videos on Youtube but now, I watch more educational videos on finance and business in a more frequent basis.

I started reading business books and even started buying them over other things I normally buy and have a strong desire for — stationary, accessories. home decor etc. I try to save money and limit my spending. I started to think about my future more seriously. Before I was pretty blind. I did have a general idea before about how to be more successful in life but it was not strong enough to motivate me to take action.

My mentality changed. My actions started to change. I am now more careful of who I want to be around with. I feed on knowledge now.

How did this happen? Just by watching that webinar by Sam Ovens.

Not just Mr Ovens but many other entrepreneurs have motivated me to make a change to my life including Shama Hyder, Robert Kiyosaki, Melyssa Griffin, Grant Cardone, Tai Lopez, Warren Buffett and Brendon Burchard. I didn’t even meet any of these entrepreneurs but I read their advice online. They are my online mentors — those who I have not met face to face but was able to access their knowledge with a click of a button or a page of a book.

This is what happens when you learn from the RIGHT people.

This is what happens when you gain the right knowledge. This is what happens when you are at the right environment. Think about it. That webinar was a kick for me, it hit me hard and boosted me to take action. Who you associate with — despite if it is face to face or online, they can really impact your life — for the good or the bad. For the best or for your greatest downfall. Choose wisely. It is all in your hands.

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